Emma, who’s mother was a Tiller girl through the 1960’s to early 1970’s has emailed with some photos and a little about her mother. Her mother Eileen is trying to locate some old friends that she used to dance with, you can find this on the contacts page. Whilst talking, I realised that I should have something about Eileen on this page.
I will just paste in Emma’s own words.
I have my Mum’s letters from Miss Barbara from when she was 15, saying that if she could grow a little taller she would be invited to dance with The Tillers and fortunately she did grow over the next few months and was with The Tiller Girls from 1962 to 1974. She left when I was a baby, she did take me with her for a season or two and used to leave me with the wardrobe mistress while she was on stage. Would that make me one of few Tiller babies ha ha? I enclose another picture of her from her dancing days.

She taught keep fit for a while after dancing while I was growing up and now works for Royal Mail. She will be 60 next May and I am very proud of her. I love to hear all the stories of life with The Tillers and think you should do an area of your website for children and relatives of these great ladies! (Might be an idea Emma!) Not sure if my mum would approve of me putting a picture of her doing the Can Can when I was a boy though! I may do it just for fun!
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